Interim Ministry
I believe Interim Ministry is a rich opportunity for self discovery, reflection, risk taking, and renewal. As an Interim Minister, I bring a unique portfolio of well-developed skills to my role: Ministerial arts, pastoral care, leadership in congregational and community settings, extensive teaching experience, and professional training as a counselor, mediator and conflict manager.
Read my thoughts in the link below about serving as an Interim during the COVID-19 pandemic.
When I came to Meadville PA for an interim ministry in 2016, their self-esteem was at a low point. A settled minister they loved had left for another church, the building looked like a bank with poor signage and upkeep, and much church business was handled in an overly casual way. After nearly three years, they established a renewed sense of pride and ownership, the operating budget had been funded all three years, Sunday mornings ran smoothly, the bulletin boards were not empty (!), and the Board was energized and full of new, dedicated members. A new bathroom was installed and technology ordered to enable multi-sensory worship in the Sanctuary. All of the church’s communication vehicles have been refreshed and updated to reflect a vibrant and happening place.
Read my thoughts in the link below about serving as an Interim during the COVID-19 pandemic.
When I came to Meadville PA for an interim ministry in 2016, their self-esteem was at a low point. A settled minister they loved had left for another church, the building looked like a bank with poor signage and upkeep, and much church business was handled in an overly casual way. After nearly three years, they established a renewed sense of pride and ownership, the operating budget had been funded all three years, Sunday mornings ran smoothly, the bulletin boards were not empty (!), and the Board was energized and full of new, dedicated members. A new bathroom was installed and technology ordered to enable multi-sensory worship in the Sanctuary. All of the church’s communication vehicles have been refreshed and updated to reflect a vibrant and happening place.
How did all this positive change happen?
1. First, they were willing to change as long as it was a mutual endeavor and not rushed. Over time, I helped them believe in themselves again. "Show up and love people towards their potential."
2. We slowly rebuilt programs and structures with the buy-in of the leadership and staff and ensured that this is not all minister-driven. 3. We celebrated successes, learned from flubs and allowed renewal. 4. I was honest about what was possible (with available financial and membership resources) and helped make that happen. 5. We hired competent people for staff positions and supported their work. Our RE Coordinator was new in this role but full of enthusiasm and creativity. Together, we crafted new RE programs that have complemented her style and have been successful. |
We also partnered with more community organizations and social action initiatives. A progressive preschool now resides on the second floor in a beautifully refurbished space, and teens from the local Neighborhood Center created a community-wide Teen Lounge in the basement. Together, with the leadership, we thoughtfully (in their words) “up-cycled” the congregation.
Reverend Robin Landerman Zucker
Ordained Unitarian Universalist Minister Professional Counselor and Educator (She/her) Portland, OR Email: [email protected] Phone: 978-505-7245 Website: Copyright © Reverend Robin Landerman Zucker All Rights Reserved.
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“Robin is almost entirely ministerial. Conversations with her reveal the beginnings of sermons, the testing of ideas, the relations being drawn between day to day events and larger spiritual issues common to humankind, and quotes and quirks being collected for future use. She is a champion listener, smiler, planner, hugger, pray-er, people empower-er, leader, singer, parent, partner, talker, eater, coffee-drinker, community builder, advocate, and friend.” |